
Basic intro

The intro courses are designed small groups of people or ride centres. A 2 day introduction work shop for people to be able to use on family or friends, usually done over a weekend period. The above course will cover things the body’s natural loading system and how we can preveprevent long term problems Followed by For those that wanting to help there horse or horses what to look for a further 2 days , will be also of a weekend . Why horse owners need to learn both levels is because if we don’t understand what problems we are causing the horse, just treating will not always resolve the problem if we are causing it From this those wanting to learn this work then over 2 year period to teach them the many levels to certification. It will be spread over several 3 day course for human and those wishing to learn the horse or animal level it will be an extra day on the end of the 3 days to show how it can be used on animals making it 4 day course.